How does a pawnshop work?
All borrowers provide collateral, eliminating the need to distinguish high risk from low risk borrowers.
Typically, loans are small averaging between $50 and $200, although they can be as small as $20 or as high as several thousand dollars depending on the value of the collateral. Contracts vary from state to state. Generally, interest rates will vary with the amount of the loan. The process is much the same as any other lending institution, with the primary difference being the size of the loan, the collateral and the holding of the merchandise until the interest or the loan has been repaid or the loan period expires.
Why would someone go to a pawn shop to get a loan?
What is the foreclosure procedure?
Do most pawning customers lose their merchandise?
How can I be sure the merchandise I purchase at a pawnshop isn’t stolen?
What is the difference between buying at a pawnshop and buying at a retail store?
How has the image of pawnbroking changed since the 1930s?
Pawnshops today range from a single and multi-store operation to publicly held company chains. The atmosphere at a pawnshop is nothing like Rod Steiger’s depiction in the Hollywood production of “The Pawnbroker” — just visit one to see for yourself.
Are pawnshops a “bad times industry?
Merchandise values go down because the major retail discounters sell for less to maintain or broaden market share. If retail merchants sell for less, pawnbrokers must loan less thus earning a smaller return. Regardless of income level, most people periodically borrow money. In good times, customers are more able to repay their loans and unredeemed merchandise sells faster because customers have more discretionary income.
Pawnshops today range from a single and multi-store operation to publicly held company chains. The atmosphere at a pawnshop is nothing like Rod Steiger’s depiction in the Hollywood production of “The Pawnbroker” — just visit one to see for yourself.
Do pawnshops attract indigents and derelicts?
The typical pawnshop retail customer is a bargain hunter, either by need or desire and comes from all walks of life. Most pawnshop customers are repeat customers.
Do pawnshops downgrade the neighborhood and hurt property value?
Are pawnshop rates excessive?
The item stands as the sole collateral offering no other recourse. And pawnbrokers are liable for replacement value if something happens to the item in their care. There are no hidden charges as with other lending institutions.
On the other hand, pawnbrokers cost basis is far greater. They incur cost for security, handling, storage, and regulation not incurred by others. Due to the 15-20% of pawn shop customers that elect not to repay their loans, pawnbrokers are forced to turn their “bad debt” into a retail center to recover their cost.
Other lending institutions do not incur retail cost including additional floor space, gondolas, counters, personnel, advertising, shop lifters, retail competitive cost, and new merchandise cost to supplement the unredeemed goods.
Should photographing or fingerprinting pawnshop customers be required?
To require anything more than required by banks implies there is a relationship between how much money one has and their integrity. You have questioned the quality of their character based on financial status – a form of discrimination