Get A Loan Against your Heavy Machinery Or Auto!
Get Approved is as little as 5 Minutes
North County Pawn Center is proud to be one of the few pawn shops in the St. Louis region that provide collateral based short term loans on cars, trucks, boats, trailers, back hoes, chippers and a wide assortment of heavy machinery.
Get Access to the Cash you need!
We understand that a family or small business can be faced with financial challenges at unexpected times, so as a result, now you can turn items that other pawn shops are not equipped to handle into cash through our pawn loan program.
These types of collateral based loans also give you the ability of raising a higher amount of cash when you need it, which we all know is very important.
No need to wade through a stack of loan papers or have to go through the process of trying to qualify for a traditional loan. North County Pawn Center makes the process easy and quick for our customers.
Your items will be stored in at our secure facility and once your loan balance has been paid off, your items will be immediately made accessible to you.
Make Sure To Ask About Our Free Layaway!
Call Us Today
(314) 388-4444